
and, yes, he is calling the women racist

The fourteenth-ranked Missouri softball team is playing today’s game against South Carolina under protest

looks like they’re pretty livid about pitch #6, which is a called strike and is really low. Do you have a different video that shows us that #5 is the pitch they’re mad about?

Can we at least agree that Jeff Moss is right below Cook on the douchebag list, though?

her “brand” was pretty much in the same place it was a year ago... and two years ago. We can go back three years if you want to show growth. But otherwise, no, she’s not. She’s horribly clumsy (the cute/quirky schtick has already worn off - time to actually get good at her job) and relied way too heavily on sexual

agreed she’s put on a few lbs.

Alternate Headline: Person Not Good at Their Job Resorts To Gimmick for Attention

but you’ve already admitted it’s more than 1x. Agreed you’re wrong.

so you start by saying he only mentioned it once... and then write a post about how he mentioned it more than once. Got it.

and Flockhart is a bad actress... The dude playing Jimmy is the worst actor on the show by far and needs to go, and they need to stop the love interest angle there.

get better writers... get rid of the Ross & Rachel love story line between Jimmy and Kara... Fire the awful actors playing Jimmy Olsen, Kara’s sister and Cat Grant (yes, Calista Flockhart is a horrible actress). You’ve solved damn near every problem with your show at that point.

agreed that Suicide Squad is going to be awful

Jesus this dude is so unbearable... drank WAY too much of his Kool-Aid and has been out of new ideas for a while. But hey, I’m sure he’ll drop his Peter/Ted or Stewie voice at some point in here.

“Because he’s literally a musical genius”

and everywhere he is, he makes sure you know that he created Hamilton... even in that appearance on John Oliver, he dropped Hamilton tickets about 10 times during the appearance. We get it dude.

Alternate title for this post:

oh man. I’ve seen a couple episodes of that show and it thoroughly disgusts me. As you said, the entire purpose is to make innocent people look bad. Of all their scenarios, rarely do they show the people that do the right thing, and when they do, it’s a footnote at the end with a quick comment from that person. Fuck

Melissa McCarthy clarifies the movie’s status as a reboot, despite the fact thatthe trailer refers to the events of “30 years ago” pure shit

I mean, that email wasn’t really that bad... According to Gawker earlier today, that’s not even bullying!