
If you asked people to pay to see John Cena to jump around in a ring by himself, or pay to watch Ryback wrestle some other mid-level guy in a match - more people would still choose Cena.


“The other thing to remember is refs are people too. There’s not all that many playoff games compared to regular season. They get nerves, and want to please their employer who looks very bad right now. In those situations either you’re looking for the foul or you’re not calling anything, just because you’re so tense.”

Because you’re an idiot who is now lying and just refusing to admit he’s contradicting himself:

agreed you contradicted yourself. Jesus would you just fucking admit it?

Jesus some people have no life

that scene was 2 minutes too long

because you’re probably part of the problem too... so, outside of some online anger, does it really make a difference if it’s on CNN right now? You’re not changing anything

Memorable = Bad

agreed you’re the asshole

thank you. That person has no idea what “degrading” really is. This is some stupid privileged shit.

same with Gawker... Twitter... Breitbart... what’s your point?

“It was degrading as a human being,” said another. “We weren’t treated as individuals. We were treated in this robot way.”

“The sum total of praise Space Jam deserves is that its song is still dope.”

what you quoted doesn’t cancel out what OP quoted... you are aware of this, right?

there is. Turn off social media.

and that has been fostered by this very web site. Funny how that works.

yeah, this sounds fine and all... but this is a culture that Gawker itself helped build and create in an online sense. Don’t be disingenuous by ignoring the role of your own employers in online outrage and exaggerated claims of harassment, bullying or even death threats. Gawker has fostered these claims.

“which is how Phillips described it in a Facebook post about the firing”

lol ok