
is Sweden the only country that included a Paralympian in their unveil?

can we focus on other mislabels first? A grilled cheese is bread and cheese. That’s it. When you at prosciutto, pancetta, bacon, tomato or anything else to it, it no longer is a grilled cheese. It’s a grilled tomato and cheese.

Schilling did not specifically clarify which of his former co-workers were racist or had said racist things.

can James Franco just die and not be cloned? Seems a guy who preys on underage girls and his acting is so bad he needs to hang on Seth Rogen’s coat tails doesn’t need to be spared.

I’ll take that to heart when it comes from someone who knows humor ;)

you should take a risk on a sense of humor ;)

can we start a pool of which studio exec Jon Favreau has incriminating photos of?

this is some cool shit...

yes... she probably did actually. Besides, there were most likely 10 other writers on the songs because Beyonce doesn’t create shit on her own, so for a myriad of reasons he probably has final approval

Hard pass

Everyone involved—on both sides—is awful.

and yet here you are responding

lol he thinks I’m you... never mind the complete lack of similarities in the things we say. This is his “I’m taking my ball and going home” moment


It’s neither a fight nor a battle. You’re a hypocrite. End of story. But I wish you well in whatever demons you need to fight for yourself. It can be hard I’m sure.

You can be held responsible for your hypocrisy... and your doubling down on it.

I’m now also confident you don’t know what “we’ve” means

why? On his own, he applied for a visa a year ago with 1986 as the birth date. Now he has no idea and someone else did all the paperwork? You can’t really be falling for this...

There’s even an actual Mexicantown near downtown Detroit

just what Detroit needs... another most-likely publicly funded stadium project. Yay.