
agreed that you should completely encase one group of people with a belief while condemning that another group of people may be encased with a belief.

“Fuck Republicans for using Muslim bodies to build their platforms on hate.”

and now we know he’s a creepy pervert... so that’s cool too!

yeah, I’m sure you post this exact same thing when a 20 year old gal starts fucking a 70 year old man, right? RIGHT?!

I actually came here to comment this. His sexual preference shouldn’t excuse the creepy/pervy factor of this... and yet somehow it is in the eyes of most commenters.

so I’m confused... you say it “Sounds Promising”, but you basically share no details about it, nor are really any available? Is this a sponsored post? What exactly “sounds promising” about this remake?

I love how calling you out on your hypocrisy is “trolling” ;)

Nah. She’s not good at her job. She can stay there and rot

TLDR. Seems like a lot of words to just say “you’re right, I am a hypocrite.” Apology accepted.

I assume the next step is a Nightmare on Elm Street rebirth with Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon sharing the role of Frederica

Strangely enough, this White House screening was tangentially involved in a sex scandal that would only surface nearly two decades later. Naval aide John Stufflebeem was there at the February 1990 screening with his wife. In 2008 he was fired as a director of Navy staff after it came to light that he had an affair

Don’t worry dude... your wife probably says “fuck” a lot when she’s out at the club and you’re home alone

counterpoint - yes she is

You calling someone else’s opinion lazy because you disagree with it isn’t stated as “fact”? lol dude just stop. You’re talking circles at this point. You’re right - we’re not arguing from the same position. You’re a hypocritical buffoon who got caught doing the same thing he’s bitching about - and I’m laughing at you.

“It’s got a funny crew and it’s based on a solid piece of IP.”

Yup, don’t agree with any of the comments/tweets, though it’s sadly fair to point out that Twitter does this to gay people, transgender, people of various races and yes, even male sports writers get some pretty incredibly disturbing tweets directed at them. They’re all disgusting.

says the commenter who does just that. Yeah, cool story bae ;)

It’s Twitter... it’s a disturbing place, but it’s not a women’s issue. It’s a people issue. This sadly happens to people of all genders, races and sexual preferences - and for no reason at all other than they said something that people don’t like. It’s a culture that the very web site you’re commenting on has helped

What you wrote definitely describes DiCaro. Spain is a piece of trash though...

did Sarah Spain ever get those Super Bowl tix?