
I took the particularly thick blood to be a reference to birth, or the menstrual cycle, or women's fertility in general. Given the other themes in the movie, it made sense.
Not to get graphic, but it's pretty common for that blood to look darker & thicker than 'fresh blood'. The ladies know what I'm talkin' 'bout! And

Edit: Nevermind, I don't really want to argue because you do initially make a fair point. If it was a musician I liked and somebody insulted her appearance, I'd probably be annoyed too. I understand, it's not cool to judge people based on their looks but genuinely, it was just a joke and I didn't even mean it as if

You're the one implying being old or looking old is reason to hide from a camera. I never said she was ugly, just old looking. I'm just making a joke about how young her stand-in is.

Man guys it's just a joke take it sleazy

In France though. And he was a national treasure. I think it would still be viewed with a bit of a 'meh' there.

A child worked with a man professionally on a video set wearing something less than a ski jacket & snow pants.

We all know this is Sia overcompensating for how old she looks now, right?

At 4 years old that is just gross though, right? I mean a 4 year old boy could be naked in front of me saying he wanted to play and I'd just be totally yucked out, I wouldn't be thinking "Man, someone is gonna take THIS the wrong way!" Sexual attraction to tiny baby-shaped people who still are at risk to shit their

Strange Circus wasn't bad. I recommend it on a day where you feel like enjoying some revenge.

Yeah, I'll give you that RE: personalities - I just thought that mass of white guys was pretty funny! Fair criticism though.

I'm not surprised by Suzi & Amazon Eve, just because they had been complicit in the killing of that cop and hacked away at his corpse barbarically in the first episode.

Coven had some humor and some interesting visuals on occasion. This one is just dishwater dull. I'd rather watch the enjoyable mess that was Coven than this more well-paced but boring season.

If you want to continue to enjoy the show, you've really got to start believing it takes place in a alternate reality 1950s where everyone is the most evil dickweed on Earth, they're all secretly gay, or they're maligned, despised freaks.

uh he's super funny and sets himself apart by being super funny

I never really got Jim Gaffigan either - well, I get him, but not the way people seem to LOVE him. He's good, not great. Very pale. A lot like me in those respects, and I'm not making a best comedy list.

Well…what if I liked season 1? I had no idea people disliked The Birthday Boys so much! Not the most hilarious dudes on earth, but better-than-serviceable sketch comedy.

I agree. He's proof that weed does sort of effect your job performance. I think he's still got it in him, absolutely, but the later a show is recorded in the day, the more likely he is to be petulant and not that funny. The thing that gets me is how bite-y and hostile he gets on Doug Loves Movies. I'll never forget

*Kevin Spacey starts stuffing awards into a bag, planning a night dash*

Haha. Yes. I never want to hear BOO about the mad rapper again. You hear me, Puff Daddy? DO YOU HEAR ME?

Has anyone said "She's no Tig" yet when it comes to lesbian comedians? If not..she's no Tig. She ain't bad though.