
All I knew about Beth was that she was generally pretty pleasant, liked babies, liked singing. She didn't exactly have some development about how much she cares about strangers, or how hard she finds it to be an orderly. I've been watching the show where she sung a lot, seemed generally optimistic, and had a pretty

People thinking Beth had become compelling - I feel so strange but I honestly thought that her character had downgraded. I liked her better as a cheery kid sis than as a wan captive or Daryl-admiring near-bad-ass.

See, once they arrived back though - the group that realized DC was a lie - I would've headed back into that hospital guns blazing. I would've killed all the cops (please don't put me on a watch list, I'm talking about a TV show) and potentially the orderlies too. It's dog eat dog, man - and those copdogs are

But this is the only dimension with pie!

I really couldn't get into Utopia, and it had all the right tickmarks for me - I think the acting was just not my style. It was a bit high-pitched, if that makes sense. Especially that pie-eyed woman who was so bad ass. You got to walk a fine line with characters like that, I think…I found her just annoying &

Yeah, I actually really don't like Hannibal. I've tried to watch the first two episodes twice, and each time I just got too annoyed to keep going. That Will, man. What an annoying character. Wish it was just Hannibal hanging out, killin' folks.

That stood out to me as a weird statement - he's a more young & handsome (read, TV friendly) version of a lot of known Middle Eastern terrorists. What's the right wing cartoonist have to do with anything? The depiction is fair, I'd say. I'm glad Homeland doesn't do a lot of stupid "Oh, the terrorists in this instance

Yeah, but that hasn't came up ever since the first episode.

Yeah, but he murdered a dickweed cop who came in there like a total caricature like, "Well, well, well, I'm gonna take down aaaalllll you freaks, mua ah ah! This is 1950s small-town America and we don't cotton to people with minor hand deformities 'round here. In fact, we're going to take away your little friend with

Man this is a crappy season. It's not funny, it's not scary, it's not daring, it's not bold. It's taking itself seriously in a weird way, and trying to teach our modern world a lesson that society learned in oh, about 1920…that it isn't cool to beat up 'freaks', basically. I mean, the show is seriously ignoring why

Yikes, okay, I was just kind of talking out of my ass a bit and you called me out. Didn't expect it to kick off so much of a fuss. I have personal anecdotal data about what I thought of a person who was slow & seemed harmless that I worked with, that proved to be very much NOT harmless. My lack of distrust and naivety

Sorry, I'll make myself more clear because I do find this to be true and I'm willing to defend my position.

I'm a big fan of this movie (and I even like the American remake as Jeff Bridges nails it, if you ask me - and I love pre-clean Sutherland) but one thing that always made me roll my eyes a bit was the portrayal of the killer. He's a cool character, but in a movie that is otherwise not particularly 'fantastical' and

Actually, I think it's a lot more base than power vs sex. I think the dude has a thing for women who look drugged or disoriented. I read one of the lady's claimed that during their first meeting, when he didn't drug her, he did make her wet her hair in the bathroom & pretend to be drunk as an 'acting exercise'.

Eh, I do see what you're saying for a couple of seasons - Coven & Freak Show - so far - have a similar theme (for Jessica alone, really) that is a fading beauty/fading queen/fading leader…but Murder House didn't really follow that path (as she wasn't at all the main player, nor was she ever 'glorious') nor did Asylum

Yes, to my ever constant sorrow. Come back, Cromwell! Come back!

Listen, buddy, if television & not having a college education has taught me anything it's that there are street smarts & there are book smarts.

Really? A lot of people think it was just super cool & totally the right thing to do on Gemma's part? I don't trawl around a lot of the internet, but basically everyone I see that comments on SoA in person or online hates Gemma, and disliked her long before she killed Tara.

Very true. I actually saw it as a very sweet (as you said, sentimental) movie with flawed characters at the core. It's actually got a sweet core outside of the surface "wait, what?"-ness of the relationship.

I don't know, I'm watching the movie now and while no, there aren't any explicit sexual scenes or anything like that, there is an awful lot of talk of marriage and Pierre getting jealous of her more of-age suitors than I ever had with any of my positive adult male relationships as a young girl. Basically, the