cream wobbly

RX-9 Electric? Brilliant! They could stick a “TRUBO” badge on it as well!

The CVT is at the point now where it’s mechanically reliable enough to handle lots of power without unusual maintenance. I’d rather have that than a stupid sludgebox.

how in the hell did such a dumb brand make 423 million last year?

I wish this took and it no longer meant gay people, but these assholes.

I live in AZ. Pity me.

H-D has been on life-support since Deming toured Japan...

Loud pipes save lives”, they said.

I used the word “netizen” in conversation recently. I got <CARRIER-LOST>

How people get into the first one is kind of understandable.

The only advice I have for the Mazda Threecus owner is to keep it, but for different reasons from everyone else giving that advice. Every single one I see on the road now is being driven by a complete Cars & Coffee stealing other drivers’ braking zones to get three seconds ahead.

Some wheels were stolen off a car.

As in, woman.

Y’know, if I were hired by an HOA to do their dirty work, I’d be all over making the board look as ridiculous as possible...

and that’s why “NO HOA” was the #1 requirement for my recent house search.

Huh. Maybe it doesn’t have the dent...

This was either faked by some kid fresh out of college that thinks they know what the business world is like from the movies and old professors who taught him about “memos”... or by two severely under-qualified and over-titled flyover-state small-town managers who want to flex on some poor sap.

Too long.

The Union of Concerned Scientists was founded on good, solid terms. I was never a member but I followed their publications and largely agreed with them. But then they got just a bit too questionable in their “concerns”, sliding into unnuanced language (and I’m not saying they should adopt NPR-style “both sides” BS,

If only those same German automakers would make overtures to governments to snag public funding for every last project they undertake, they could be as valuable as Tesla is now!

Innovation [under CA-led regs] has not been stifled and in fact has flourished.