(Don’t tell him about other countries, huh?)
(Don’t tell him about other countries, huh?)
The Internet.
What a fucking smart person you are.
Those people are definitely a factor for sure, but they aren’t the cause. People acting like morons are.
Yeah, but now a man said it.
They have the mental capacity of 5 year olds.
If a dearth of social responsibility is bad, then yeah, I live where the taxes are worst, too.
Oh get yourself over to r/iamverysmart - just because something’s simple doesn’t mean it’s simplistic.
Uh-huh, carry on.
Uh-huh. People wonder why he talks like a mobster.
Hey, not my rules. Presidon’t Mushroom invented the rules. Are you arguing with Presidon’t Mushroom?
Oh spare us. I live in pothole country and I’d rather have 17s than 14s on my Miata. Pay your taxes and fix the roads.
...which look perfectly fine
Can’t we just put these two geniuses in a cage and see who comes out? A really small cage. In the desert. With a square of mylar. And a filthy toilet and a burrito.
cheap admission price
Let’s reinvent it yet again. Have a thing you push that activates a doobrie that pulls a widget and half the tread elements retract while lending additional rigidity to the remainder of the “exposed” tread chunks, and you get instant chains, without chains.
Why’s that?
If we didn’t do that periodically, Formula One would be a highly entertaining “It’s A Knockout” style game of moving the log to the front.
Thank you.