
I totally disagree with you. Yes, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is real and is caused by binge drinking while pregnant. However, moderate (1 to 2) drinks, once or twice a week is probably not going to hurt anyone. If it were, we would have had massive levels of retardation, FAS, etc. in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and to this day

The George Matthews Band? LOL

Honestly, I don’t think it’s intentional with the name-checking. If you watch interviews, she’s pretty real, unrehearsed, it was probably just something that came out? It’s just a weird thing to bitch about really. This is an industry where you literally get jobs because of who your Mom or Dad is, or if

Don’t be sad! I watched the whole 2nd second season and at the end I just rolled my eyes. They took cute characters and made them pretty spoiled, unlikable and pretentious. Totally wrote themselves into a corner.

Yes!! Jezebel writers: next time you go to an all hands meeting, please take note of the percentage of women who are over 40 - then see how many after that are in top management positions. Go Hillary and Go Diversity!! - LOVE, a woman who only got it after turning 36

She can post whatever the hell she wants - she’s a public figure and she’s promoting herself. Let me repeat that - she can post whatever the hell she wants. It does not mean anyone should threaten her. And frankly Beyonce, with all of her women empowerment should have nipped that in the bud.

TBH - I don’t know, I hope that’s the case. I don’t mean to come off as an Anti-vaxer or anything, (far from it), I just don’t think we should demonize people for questioning it. It’s pervasive because families with autism hear the same stories over and over again.

The logic that all vaccines are safe for all people is fundamentally flawed because we are not all the same. A person will be allergic to certain foods, allergens, medications, etc. based on their genetic makeup. Why wouldn’t this apply to some kids with some vaccines? It’s really not that crazy a question and I hate

Ha - yes - James....James takes the cake.

Serious Question: Do women find these men on VR attractive? Like in a sexual way? I just find them to be so, so, so....NOT manly? There’s just something deep within my DNA that says NOPE - like I know that if this were 200 years ago and I chose a man like that, I’d end up dead or something.

Hi! Heads up for you and your son on purple pills:… I was warned after saw someone saw me taking Prilosec - also, I heard they just make the issue worse in the long term. Reflux usually is tied to diet, (fats of any kind) and surprisingly post-nasal drip if he has allergies. I guess

Drew B.: No surprise - did anyone read the book Wildflower? In the book, she writes beautifully of her love for her little girls and his FAMILY - but I noticed the chapter on him was a bit....lacking should we say? She basically said that she chose him because she didn’t think anything better would come along. I’m not

Grown women making their own choices about their own wardrobe is one thing. Little girls and young women forced to hijabs and Burqas while their brothers play in jeans and Nikes is quite another. South Seattle has a growing Muslim population and all you have to do is look around to see women and girls covered from

OMG - I can spot a troll/poser when I read it. You are so full of shit - and I don’t believe you.

Women are their own worst enemies. I plead with you all to wake up and look around. Take a look at the management page of Gawker Media. There’s one lone woman in the mix of white men. Take a look at your own boardroom/staff meeting on Monday, who do you see? Women in their 20’s don’t “get it” quite yet, (I know I