Cream of Some Young Guy

Cracker - Low

Standard usage according to whom? I know it's acceptable if there's no way for your keyboard to make an em dash, but come on, we're not in the dark ages or anything.
Also, I applaud your willingness to participate in a heated exchange over punctuation. Well met!

I know it's standard usage. But standard usage changes, and as far as formatting rules go, is pretty arbitrary. Not having spaces does look awful. And not knowing how to type an em dash is just inexcusable when writing about proper usage, by the by.

I know this is quibbly and ridiculous, but not having spaces between em dashes and words is just as awful as not having spaces between words and other words. Just saying.

Just bad, this: "First-time viewers may wonder whether this alien race will return, and then experience some additional, retroactive amusement once it becomes clear that it won’t." See, the reason why it's funny is that one would never suspect that the religious leaders of Catholic, Jewish, and some type of Protestant