
cool for progress but she is not a very good actress IMO

uhhh no, ruby, it’s never okay to throw things at a person. if you were so offended by his jokes (and i’m sober too, i know it’s important, but really there is nothing someone can say that is so horrific about it) you get up and leave. miss me with this BS excuse

Hard pass

OK, I voted Bernie in the primaries. But, its pretty clear that while there are some Clinton supporters who are overzealous and annoying, there are FAR more Trump and Bernie supporters who have gone off the deep end this election cycle.

Internet hugs to you too!!

She’s at Cannes, encouraging more people who didn’t register properly to vote for Sanders.

I have no idea why, but somehow that made me feel an incredible amount of pity for Paris Hilton. Which, if you're wondering, is a VERY weird feeling. I require vodka to process.

Rich? Okay.

I’d dump a pizza to date Chris Evans. And I fucking love pizza.

He’s the skinny, sensitive, cute-as-hell dude we rebound with after that worthless, hung, thug breaks our hearts.

I googled “vogue-ing turkey”. I got this...

Meghan Trainor said that Jennifer Lopez had no idea that Dr.Luke was part of the project and thought that Meghan wrote the song all by herself.

The thing is Bernie has no way of winning. He won’t have the delegate numbers. I’m not a Hillary supporter, just being realistic.

How is this either a “major upset” or at all “unexpected”? Clinton didn’t contest Indiana, didn’t spend a cent on ads or any time there while Bernie was pouring in millions, even in the past few days her surrogates clearly said they didn’t really expect to win it, polls or no.

Slow down on the champagne buddy.

There’s something about this headline that made me do an ironic double take.

I am about to blow your fucking mind.

You can be reckless with the state of reproductive access when you're past menopause

Something happened to me Wednesday night, the details of which I’m too shy to tell IRL, but I just have to tell someone so here goes..

“a petting zoo with free roaming monkeys!”