“Oh, come on, what could possibly be worse than the Redsk-JESUS CHRIST REALLY?”
“Oh, come on, what could possibly be worse than the Redsk-JESUS CHRIST REALLY?”
Jason Pierre Paul tweeted what looked like a peace sign beside the words “Just saying hi.”
Let’s see what Kobe thinks...
Hahah wow! What a total 360! Kudos to your mom.
Error V404: star not found for 25 years.
What’s Up, Tiger Lily? is fantastic.
Black screen, white letters? I’m so confused. I think just watched the weirdest Woody Allen film since What’s Up, Tiger Lily?
I really Hope Figo. Figo was honest all the time. And he has the right ideas and his heart at the right spot.
The Mariners won on Kyle Seager’s 10th inning home run...not single. I know the Mariners aren’t very good and rarely hit, but please give credit where credit is due, as this may not happen again for quite some time.
My only question is, how do we get “#RelieveBlatter” trending? It’s too good. How did nobody think of this yet?
“It really is the World Cup of Fraud, and today we are issuing FIFA a red card.”
If I want to ignore basic geography in order to further my patriotism, that’s my right as an American, sir.
This is exactly how I would have played it. For both parties involved.
No. Pastrami is not made with pork. It’s made with beef. That’s why it’s popular in Jewish delis. He had beef ass hands.
Well, the other day I was pulled over for going 66 in a 45.. The officer knocked my ticket to a $65 fine for having an air freshener hanging from my mirror. I would like to get off with a warning JUST ONCE.