
That’s generally a good way to keep having $1.5M three years later.

The answer is of course, “Ur Mom.”

I didn’t ignore them. I’m incompetent.

I’m just bitter in Seattle and it’s fucking overcast right now on 4th of July.

It’s my fault. I should have used proper punctuation.

How dare he betray the city who drafted him.


What if you make cookies the fad diet?

I like you. You are good peoples.

She’s been a super crush of mine since forever. She’s definitely vanilla but she’s not Dreyers or even Hagen Daaz. She’s that incredible vanilla gelato from that one place outside of Naples.

To be fair to you, it’s pretty appropriate.

Yeah sure... but they’re still a bunch of dirty foreigners.

MMMM Sushi Donut...

This is the greatest breakfast I’ve ever had.

Guys... Venezuela is doing stuff. My brain doesn’t understand this. They’ve never even qualified for the World Cup.

Even better. He lives on the Gold Coast in Waikiki. YOu’ll be hitting the fish markets and eating Poke.

My Grandfather can SMASH oysters. At my cousin’s wedding she had an oyster bar and my Grandfather stood there shucking and eating nonstop until security came and tried to kick him out for being a wedding crasher/homeless. My cousin ran over in her wedding dress to explain that he just really likes oysters and to let

If you don’t have an heir in CK2 and you die it’s a game over. The only hard goal of CK2 is make babies.

I know. But a man can dream can’t he?