Thank you, you are doing great work. The incorrect usage of apostrophes is unreasonably upsetting to me.
Thank you, you are doing great work. The incorrect usage of apostrophes is unreasonably upsetting to me.
Not even a VW fan but I can vouch for the E888 being a little unexpectedly stout monster.
I look for the smallest sedan (or wagon) with total rear width (hip room) over 55" so I can fit 2 baby seats and one adult person or 2 adults and 1 baby seat. I don’t want to buy a friggen tank of an SUV or minivan to get rear seat comfort. My G8 has 58" of rear hip room and it works wonderfully for this…
It kind of makes you wonder if they ever get a second opinion before putting an ugly design element into production.
So what does that say about the Challenger Scat Pack?
I have happy memories of riding to highschool in my friend’s Z34 listening to Metallica. That car felt like a sports car back then and the engine had a pretty nice sound too! Maybe my inner mullet is showing but I thought the looks were pretty awesome for it’s age and marquee.
Have G8 GT, would recommend
The top concept photo made me throw up a little bit
I had a winter tire/wheel set for my C4 and it was my DD. The best part was passing timid suv drivers on snowy and slushy 2 lane roads :)
You should also bring some 20w50 to dump in and your bearings should be just JB weld needed!
COTD for this man please!
COTD #2? There is a worse sound: a whole 32 computer mac lab starting up at once via remote desktop console. I died a little more inside every time it happened. I think that I would intentionally crash an apple car if I heard that wretched power-on sound at start.
I can attest to this being a good car with a good engine as I owned a 98 cheapie custom which had a slightly updated transmission over the 96. Sure the interior reeked of a 70s and 80s plastic styling but it was incredibly cushy and roomy. I loved the engine and threw a shift kit in the trans as well as a beefy Addco…
Sorry, a little late to the post but here was my experience:
A new 2010 Toyota Yaris Automatic sedan: The only car that I have driven that actively worked to be terrible.