
"The Entire History of You" might be my favorite of the episodes I've seen. A true heart-wrencher.

This was the first ever episode of Black Mirror I watched, after my brother recommended the show to me, saying "I can't explain it. Just try it and tell me what you think." I mistakenly started with this episode (Thanks, Netflix), and for someone with severe social anxiety with an innate fear of what people are

I can certainly understand the issues some have had with this episode, particularly the final ending (which I thought ultimately worked for me) and the fact the audience is shown the camera feed that wouldn't have actually existed, something I didn't even think about until reading this review. It's a deliberate play

Just watched this episode, which when taken in the context of the post-Trump world, doesn't seem quite as far fetched as it might have when it first aired. I agree that It doesn't fair as well as the other episodes, but I can more easily envision a world in which a cartoon character with no real purpose or ideas can