I love this!
I love this!
Oh my!
Umm. weren't some of the 9/11 planes JetBlue ones?
I have an iPhone 4 and I keep it on Airplane mode quite often at night, with WiFi on. When I first upgrade to iOS5, I noticed that the location services would be activated for the ENTIRE time that phone was in airplane mode.
Hey, i haven't had any problems with it. In fact, it's really fast and smooth on my iPhone 4
Seconded! I've been looking for an app like this since I'm fast running out of space on my SSD.
At the most basic level, the government is meant to provide protection (military/police) for the property of another (intellectual property included).
So, he climbed Everest while his wife was giving birth to their daughter??
Sounds like someone listened to this past week's episode of This American Life [www.thisamericanlife.org] (a rerun from 10/30/09)
Sounds like someone listened to this past week's episode of This American Life [www.thisamericanlife.org] (a rerun from 10/30/09)
Interesting. Thanks for the comment.
I want to go back to your original point. Obama wrote the speech himself?
Also, you should note that the guy wasn't a heckler but rather hired by the other side to record George Allen at various events.
Panopticon for the 21st century.
I'm in the market for a phone/wallet case combo. Does anyone have any recommendations?
"Red Right Ankle" by The Decemberists.
Somewhere Tyrone Slothrop feels vindicated.
I really think Lifehacker and Deadspin have really improved their content and overall image since the revamp.
edit; damnit. Beaten. Touche hiubbprqag