
This is ridiculous. While IQ is not definitive individually, as a whole it’s spot on. Blacks are mentally inferior. What’s wrong with that ? Asians and Ashkenazi Jews the brightest (even with the test being derived by old white men).

Please, I beg you, give me a detailed account of how Obama did an amazing job ? Explain that to me. Maybe I'm slow. I read and understand facts, not what I see on TV or read in magazines. So an amazing or even mediocre job would be news to me. He harmed this entire country. So please, I ask again, tell me.

Great for who ? Iran ? Certainly not for America. Despite mainstream media in all forms, Barry acted similar to how his father would have if he were president. An anti-colonialist giving the country away. Besides, all those who voted for the guy with two different legal names just because he's black (really only half

Their all prank candidates compared with Trump. Really, do you believe there's any candidate currently running that even has a chance to beat Trump ? Democrats are better off running Billary again.

Wow, so people who think “duh liberals” are destroying this country are somehow stupid or ignorant ?

Does this make you feel better ? Like you have an identity or something ? Before you answer, just know I support Corey Booker's reparations bill. I just want to amend it to add renouncement of citizenship as a condition. Wonder how many will want it then, thus proving you have prospered from ancestors pain.

Well, at least she isn't Aunt Jemima. That's an automatic L.

Your an idiot. Being white isn’t under attack? Nobody is asking me not to be white? Really ? In fact, just the opposite is true.

As a “white dude” I’d say I wouldn’t vote for her based on what I’ve heard from her already. We don’t believe the same things are what’s good for me and mine. But if you’re a liberal who loves the train wreck the country has been headed towards for 25 years, by all means, she’s your girl. I have to admit, she has the

The article is a little ah, misleading. The Monday before Nike announced it's deal with this guy Kaepernick (looks more Arabic than black BTW) Nike stock was at $82 and some change. As of now, it's at $71 and some change. Yea, Nikes doing great, NOT.

Weren’t we traitors to England ? Besides, this wasn’t a democracy but a republic. The Constitution spelled out secession, so.....

I'll have to agree with you about "what" is happening. Have to disagree with your opinion of "progress" since 1945. Also, the children being born today are projected to be more conservative than early boomers. Yes, when my generation starts dying, it will be entirely the millennial way of thinking left. The neo hippy

I dont get all the comments here. The sheriff probably doesn’t like black folks. He’s putting on a show to rile folks up who thinks like he does.

What is their "place". I live in an extremely rural town. Blacks and whites live segregated by choice yet work, fish, and hunt with each other. They sit with each other at the local barber shop telling lies, playing checkers, and joking all day. Everyone is the same here. Just trying to pay the rent and keep the kids

So......... Sheriff Roberts for US Senate ! (-:

Ive been feeling that way for two decades with the extreme degredation of my once great country.

I don't know about cutting my fingers off. However, I would sacrifice my life to be tortured to death in exchange for every liberal to be exiled to a country more to their liking. Venezuela or any European nation would probably do.

Not sure how I came across this site. I posted a thoughtful comment on another article and came to this one. Wow, is what I first thought. I try to be objective but man this is a racist ass site. Don't know this white chick but she made a good point. Obama wasn't a good president at all. He's probably the best

Lol wtf 😁

People are fools. I call them media sheep. Many go vote yet don’t know why they vote for one candidate over another or how it will effect them personally. What’s sad is that many “new” voters (within the last decade) are emotional voters. They vote on how they feel instead of substance. For example, the author of this