Last Night on The Walking Dead
Last Night on The Walking Dead
“ongoing effort to develop resources for people who may be going through difficult moments in their lives.”
I'm married to someone like you. I hate him.
This is really, really gross. You can’t handle this particular person, who sounds annoying, but “single people” are so far from a monolith. Not everyone who is single is obsessively dating, and even those who are aren’t all incapable of doing so without drama. How does someone talking too much for your liking, about…
Sometimes I let him out in courtyard of my building, but not after dark. After dark he gets brave and I’m afraid someone’s going to take him home or he’s going to get hit by a car.
What’s weird about it is that they can’t tell him that it’s right there. It’s not about the cookies.
I worked on that analogy for weeks.
Sorry, Mr. Grinch. Damn.
I guess I appreciate Adele’s voice, but to me a real singer has to be able to dance too
I’ve said it here before but I’ll mention it again. You don’t have to match the recipient to donate for them. You can do paired donation.
I mean, do we always need people to display model behavior in a song? I think it’s kind of relatable to be like, “I realized that I fucked you over, and I feel really bad about it, and I want to apologize to assuage my guilt even though that is kind of selfish because you’ve moved on. And even though I am the one who…
Um, I think you’re all crazy.
Why do people seem to think that “I made this work” translates to “Everyone can make this work.”
You’re so charitable.
I typically hate seeing animals in costumes, but that Aviator get-up is BOSS on that cat
That scarf in the lede pic is the best thing I’ve seen all week, in a week of admittedly shitty shit. Thank you!
Yeah, usually I have a soft spot for mostly anyone that dies but I can’t muster any for this guy. I feel for his family though.