Reading the writer’s room jargon is more entertaining than watching the last few episodes.
Reading the writer’s room jargon is more entertaining than watching the last few episodes.
I’ve gotta find big O and watch it again! Been a long time since I did.
I could find a tv box set on blu ray that I can actually watch for cheaper than this.
Anime esque marketing for enigma, giant robot on stage - gaga is rei in live action neon genesis confirmed!
I'd be up for a feature length black mirror for it's curious experience, but choose your own adventure kind of puts me off. You mean I have to dig out the remote, using my chip - dipping hand to, god forbid, interact, with my entertainment?
Actually the Namekians never made that mistake, frieza is the only one who said anything like that. So 2 cents per hour of content sounds like a pretty good deal, if frieza was calculating it. Then again he’d probably thing the whole thing - cell and buu too - is 30 minutes. I’d like to know if it’s the broadcast…
Actually the Namekians never made that mistake, frieza is the only one who said anything like that. So 2 cents per…
Watch the new film, featuring squatnic the swolehog, as he saves his animal friends from Dr. Woahbotnik, and is joined by Tails Runsmiles Powa and Knuckles the Youkiddinuh
Hey, at least Netflix doesn't relegate anime to a different payment altogether like someone (I'm looking at you Amazon, and your crappy "channels") those other, pay-for-anime or strictly for anime sites are like the high schools you described, but Netflix academy encourages it's students /subscribers to be open about…
Five bucks a season? Sounds like hubert's budget for PlanEx
Five bucks a season? Sounds like hubert's budget for PlanEx
“Ryan Renolds is pikachu" stopped being surprising when Ryan Reynolds was deadpool. Guy will take literally any unconventional role
A grand day out for those who worked on Britain's most beloved animated pair indeed
Sruff like dragon ball becoming mainstream? It’s like billion geeks screamed out in terror, then, were suddenly silenced, possibly because they didn’t want to risk the screams becoming mainstream.
“A survivor of seculal assault” how horrible! To be randomly attacked by an atheist! I must say, as an atheist myself, a random attacker does not represent what it is to be an atheist. No real movement does either
Making the distinction between "children" and "adolescents" when it comes to diddling youngsters sounds like Donohue writing for South park himself, the point of the plot around father maxi is that the abuse itself is still a huge problem in the Catholic church, this guy is just asking for a team from the Vatican to…
One stars a Montser that has no regard for the people around it, bent on destruction, a viral and corrupt threat to mankind
Feeling like a freak on a leash? Feeling like you have no release? Come on down to the cafe, put your feet up and have a nice mug of koffee. You will see that you will be going blind to the problems of the world, at least while you drink our koffee, we’ll be there if you need somebody, someone.
I literally haven't heard of this yet and I work in a printing factory and we've started taking on I think it's a few of what image puts out and DC, how did I miss this? Then again last DC I remember doing was the new flash issue
I thought it was about another steam sale and had half a heart attack. Funny how they could only find four shows though, these days the platforms know they can get away with producing a lot of garbage. Ah the good old days before so many cord cutters, where the platforms had to make something special to attract viewers
Hey internet, I actually enjoyed the show. It’s a pretty dumb comedy that puts it’s characters into absurd situations so often that the characters themselves must be absurd.