You do realize that Garrett hasn’t worked at Jez that long? If you want to register an actual complaint, how about directing a strongly worded email to the editors?
You do realize that Garrett hasn’t worked at Jez that long? If you want to register an actual complaint, how about directing a strongly worded email to the editors?
As an obvious narcissist with a god complex, Kanye probably thinks he will literally die if people aren’t paying attention to him. So no. He will just get more erratic until people give him the attention he craves.
So to recap, when the petulant manbaby called a woman “bitch” and implied she “owed him sex” (a rapey sentiment that everyone who bought his music simply overlooked)... IT WASN’T TRUE? You mean that “bitch” has agency? And had it the whole time? And doesn’t owe men a fucking thing?
Kayne is an asshole and Kim is just a mean girl. This is my shocked face.
I wonder if this will finally get Jez writers to stop posting such shitty articles about TS...
Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away???
Here’s the thing I’ve always noticed about all these would be revolutionaries, new age philosophers, and people looking to “tell the truth” and/or “clear their name” who believe what they have to share is so important to the world. They’re never ones to put out their scribblings for free, even when they’re already…
“Those in charge of and responsible for overseeing the show failed to recognize or anticipate the racist references and cultural insensitivities that were obvious to almost everybody else.”
Better people have died while sitting on the toilet. I’m sorry, he’s just a waste of resources.. Can someone PLEASE recycle him into something useful, like a pooper scooper, or diapers for the kids?
Cancers can’t die from cancer, unfortunately.
it infuriates me better people have died from cancer and he still breathes.
He can’t read.
Can they vaccinate him for whatever fucked up version of permanent jaundice he seems to have?
Bloomberg looked like a kid who forgot to unthaw the chicken and heard his mom’s keys jingle in the door when Warren read him for filth 😂😂😂
Wow, what interesting timing for this news to be coming out, on Prince Andrew’s 60th birthday. It’s almost like the Sussexes are being thrown under the bus to protect a pedophile... aFUCKINGgain.
Even though its Bazaar, the original story is coming from the Daily Mail, which has a long racist history with Meghan Markle and also its been rumored as a dumping ground for malicious staff and other royals to use to tarnish their enemies. So if this does end up being even halfway true, I would think they wouldn’t…
The problem with this analogy is for the most part, mobsters are pretty (street) smart. Trump is not (any kind of) smart.
The Blagojevich pardon is the one that pisses me off.
Hey, those Jack-Booted thugs the NRA keeps talking about are actually real! I know those militia will jump right up to protect people because that’s the real reason we have a 2nd Amendment, right? Unless... unless they are just full of shit and don’t actually mean a damn thing they say.