
Yeah as a video editor this really irritated me. Reminds me of Rhythm N Blues vfx house that did the effects on Life of Pi and won an Oscar 11 days after they went bankrupt...vfx outfits bid low to get the job then work their artists way too hard to make incredible art under terrible time pressure.

That was a really messed up thing to do. The people working at the visual effects companies do their best with the time and the story/character briefs they get from the creatives and the producers.

Another layer of audacity is how Rebel Wilson and James Corden were actively the worst parts of that movie (by a wide margin), but they’re trying to blame the VFX artists? Classless.

Utah’s arguably the most conservative state in America but it’s also state won by Trump with the lowest percentage of the vote.

The vote today was legitimately the best plausible outcome we could have hoped for going in. Romney’s clearly looked at the Republican caucus, then looked at his own approval numbers in Utah, then looked back at the president and the caucus and said, “You know what, I don’t need any of you. Watch this. And then try to

Do I like Mitt, or agree with most of his positions? No.

and we shared a nostalgic kiss.

LVP is exactly the kind of person who would do anything for a dog whilst completely ignoring any human suffering. She’s like one of those women in medieval paintings of hell who are there for giving their dogs steak whilst children starve.

There’s also lotsa internalised misogyny- you only need to see an episode of VPR

John Mayer has musical talent. Didn’t stop him from saying and recording a lot of crap, but he has the guitar skillz to jam with absolutely anybody.

I - like many - find John Mayer to be more than a little skeevy and his music doesn’t really appeal to me, but to say calling him a musical talent is “a stretch” is a little unfair. He’s a very talented guitarist who has a lot of respect among his peers.

JT is a total CHODE. And way to go Jessica Simpson for refusing to be treated like a bullshit “prize” in a literally adolescent display of toxic masculinity by two grown-ass men.  I’m so glad Britney didn’t end up with him.  No woman deserves to be married to that.  (lookin’ at you, Biel)

Whew. Some of these comments are pure trash.

The S-76 is one of the most advanced civilian helicopters in the world and highly reliable. Fog very likely played a part, but so could have navigation failure (pilot or instrument) or mechanical failure.

Reports were low clouds and fog, so the pilot would have been operating in the tiny slice of clear vertical space between them. And where the clouds reach the fog, the pilot doesn’t see anything. Most likely is they collided with a ground object; tree or power line or hill. Mechanical failure is also possible, but

I feel bad for everyone involved. Even Kobe. But yeah, dude raped a woman. Bet she wishes she could forget that happened.

One of his daughters died as well.

I don’t need a reminder; actually it was one of the first things I thought of when the news popped up in my feed. News of his death still shocked the shit out of me tho...

Just a reminder that Kobe Bryant probably raped a woman.

Somewhere near Edwards, CO, a 36 year old woman whispers “good.”

*adjusts Canadian hat*