
No, Tesla isn’t at fault for the crashes— they do warn people to keep eyes on the road and hands on the wheel, but with their left hand, they repeat the use of a misleading phrase.

You’re right, but if you ask the common person, they’re going to misconstrue the term autopilot. Thanks to all the movies and shows and books that have used the term incorrectly, many people don’t recognize the necessary limitations of autopilot.

Pilots also go through extremely rigorous training where what they can/cannot should/should not do is hammered in to them. But colloquially “auto-pilot” as a phrase is thought to mean “this thing will work on its own” to the layperson. So Tesla throwing that exact phrase at regular joes who’ve had no training and just

General rule of thumb, don’t be lazy and have your cert provider generate your private key. Get off your ass and generate your own private key, then do a proper CSR ... problem solved.

He had them saved on 3.5" floppy in his freezer. How do you store YOUR keys in Cold Storage?

Just trying to imagine the perfect storm that led up to that. It would require storing the private keys in some accessible form, having the CEO put in a request to retrieve them, having the developer say, “yeah, this seems fine”, then having the CEO send them... over EMAIL.

Oh god, this is just what this industry needs, stockholders. I have never met people in more need of a union than marijuana industry workers. People that work for large grows are exposed to chemicals, pesticides, intense light, high concentrations of CO2, and mindless repetitive tasks. Starting wage: 10/hr. If you

Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.

Or a horse.

She even has the title ready to go: Michelle Obama Melania Trump in Her Own Words.

Poirot wore bow-ties, not neckties, and even had he worn a necktie, probably wouldn’t have been so sloppy when tying a Half-Windsor. Also, given that the Windsor knot would have been fairly new at the time, Poirot would not have worn it. He was still wearing pince-nez in the 1930s.

Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.

Your rage is awesome.

Shut up and stop using the stupid term “mansplaining.”

“You can’t just type up some bullshit and then when someone calls you out on your bad science tell them “oh it was a joke”.”

O RLY?! Is that what it’s called, Professor Magnetosphere?

You can’t just type up some bullshit and then when someone calls you out on your bad science tell them “oh it was a joke”.