
A hybrid truck makes a lot of sense. Electric motors have gobs of low end torque, just what you need for an extra boost when accelerating while hauling heavy loads. Also slap on a power inverter and you have an instant power source everywhere you go. I’m actually surprised that they aren’t fairly commonplace already.

This could work. Immediate torque from the start. It would make for an excellent tool

Phew, for a minute there I thought you had just decided to reinvent Super Replicas.

I always wondered why this wasn’t a thing. Why couldn’t a company “refresh” an old classic and sell them. I’m not talking along the model of a Singer Porsche, but take an E30 BMW, strip it, rebuild it to OE standards and sell it. It won’t be cheap but it doesn’t have to be restored with custom milled aluminum bits,

I doubt anyone reading this would be able to get anything with an F1 engine moving from a stop.

I love how calm he is at the end. “Ok. Yes. Thank you.”

But that is almost every “supercar/hypercar” they are all just driven slowly to look cool. I mean there might be a quick highway pull to 100 or whatever but you never see these cars out kicking a mountain roads ass like you do in a pleb car like a Miata or something like that, it is a bit why the exotics at CnC to me

Limiting target audiences wouldn’t be a wise economical move.