Ketchonaisse. I dig it.
Ketchonaisse. I dig it.
Should be ketchonaisse everywhere.
Take the tassels at the end and separate into two separate halves. Take ends and as much loose husk in each hand, and pull until the husk is open to the base. Twist or crack off base, and spin ear of corn on one hand to remove errant silks. Place shucked corn on clean plate, tray, etc, and tackle the next one. And…
A friend of mine has Alpha-Gal Syndrome (a SEVERE red meat allergy from tick bites, which is becoming more popular) and this would have had her hospitalized, if not worse.
I know people think they’re cute and funny, commenting about indignant vegans (even so, stop lambasting people for their dietary choices), but ANY…
Cool, people like me with soy allergies would get sick and have no idea why. Changing a person's order without asking or informing them is stupid and dangerous.
The best part is that there were probably a lot of people eating these real burgers and saying, “wow, these bullshit, non-meat abominations actually taste like the real thing!”
i love him he’s great at screaming
ah yes some health or weapon code was something like r1 r2 x o square triangle x o square triangle left right up down left right up down
lol i cant believe i knew most by muscle memory but of course i had the old pen and paper codes written down always in the case haha
Oh oh, no no no DO NOT WANT.
Oh fuck no.
i dont know whats worse...this mayyy top the list
More like Retch-Up amirite?
completely agree with article but hey, heres one definition of the name lynch
any store with that sign would instantly gain a customer in me. I love fuckin' sales!
Well, I’ll grant that is a bit strange, but more stores should promote their sales that way!
If I could turn back time...
Cher would never have done this.
are you one of those WikiPredators, looking for vulnerable young nerds with OCD hanging out on the Edit pages?