
You know what’s going to happen when you raise wages though? A couple of unintended consequences:

Soon we’ll all need Coyotes to lead us into Canada.

What an asshole.

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”

Ah, the History Channel- where America’s racist uncles go when Fox News makes them think too much.

Look, it’s like they always say: boys will be rapists.

It wasn’t the golf, it was the navy seal training and other absurdities

Steve Bannon looks like a mall Santa who got fired for beard lice.

I’ll be honest, how we’re perceived by the country that elected Donald Trump doesn’t really weigh too heavily on my mind.

Hello, sole fellow Isles fan on here. Yes, this is absolutely renegotiation, and I agree that a new arena in the area isn’t feasible.

Define winning? Getting to the second round of the playoffs in season 1 at BC isn’t winning?

Islanders get $25-30 million a year for local tv rights until 2031. Not bad for the region’s 2nd or 3rd rated hockey team. A deal they’ll get nowhere else.

There are a lot of factors, but it’s not like the Islanders are putting out a “milbury was told to cut payroll to 5 million” era team on the ice.

“A dedicated Cardinal would have just simply shipped Pitino and McGee off to a different school.”

Looks like the Yankees weren’t the only ones who bought their rings.

I have two girls and get that question all the time. Sometimes they mix it up and say well what if you could guarantee a boy next time. My response is always no. I wanted a girl and a boy. I got two girls. Zone defense is my nightmare.

We secretly laughed at and mocked the couple who had 2 kids by age 21. Now they are out having fun every weekend at age 43 while our little shits are still in middle school.

Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

I turn the cell phone data off if the kid starts creeping over 3GB. I wasn’t watching one month, and she got in a whole 12GB. Thank Crom for roll-over data. And most wifi routers have dual channels. I give the kid the password to one, and have everything else run off the second. Then when she’s being a brat and