
I mean, the Giants are pretty mediocre this year with flashes of dominance, really have no chance of competing with other NFC playoff teams, and a juggernaut Patriots team resides on the other side of the league, so if history is any indication, the super bowl is already in the bag for them.

This is some real, honest-to-goodness community service y’all have done for his victims, for the people of Sacramento and California, and for schoolchildren everywhere. Good work.

Jim Abbot: [light bulb appears above head]

I remember reading the comments below the announcement expecting rage/anger/relocation grief, and mostly it was “[shrug] at least it’s not Quebec City”

John Tavares has the confident look of someone who no longer has to worry about the possibility of a scoreboard crushing him to death.

“And just like that, gang culture finally infiltrates hockey, the last bastion of civility in American sports.”

Cheez-Its or Goldfish (cheddar), who you got?

Ahem, PR finally got back to us. Here's the official version

Skiba: [checks himself]

Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.

I love it so much when idiots accuse Gawker of constantly race-baiting, and then post comments to articles that have nothing to do with race, and don't mention race, and attempt to make it about race. And then fail to see the irony of it all.

Well there used to be nothing racist about this post at least.

Is it outside the realm of possibility to think that the expansion of the Stadium Series is hurting the Winter Classic as well? I know if I miss the Winter Classic between two teams I don't care about I will have at least one other opportunity (up to four) to see outdoor hockey this year. Bigger factor seems to be

The Ghost of Ned has brought this upon the Miami Beach Bowl.

Man, this guy just can't stay healthy.

Who else stopped reading at Gloria Allred?

"You fucking mayo lovers. Go to hell."

Tim Tebow wasn't THAT bad.

Horton Fears He's Through