
youre a bitch. i bet some poor, nice fucking girls in axo are freaking the fuck out during their FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES because your article now reigned hell on their sorority. i bet theyre having to deal with their nationals and will be getting shit on as a chapter for the next two fucking years. honestly fuck you.

well he cheated on me & it was a very expensive ring so i sold it & bought myself a car, champagne & a really great mixing console.

This portrayal made it seem like Whitney corrupted the hard-working, rough-and-tumble but heart-of-gold Bobby and dragged him into despair when her star rose and she only took him along as her bag and jacket holder. The lead actors worked well with the material they were given and Deborah Cox was insane. ButI was

Maybe I'm a wanton hussy, but #eggplantfriday was the only thing about instagram that ever intrigued me. Sad days.

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

I hope things work out for her. But more importantly, I hope that one day, through a wonderful twist of fate, she ends up in a position to be Matt Lauer's boss and she makes him beg for forgiveness on his belly.

I am that crying baby today. I'm exhausted, PMSing, depressed because I just turned 30 on Monday and feel like I'm a failure at life for no reason, work is taking advantage of me again. I called my mom sobbing and she was basically the older brother in this video all, "Have you slept? Honey, you need to sleep."

They always keep the free samples in glass cases, don't they?

I came here for magical answers and you give me real talk?! I hate/admire you so much

It takes about 600 selfies to get one that's juuuuuust right so you can plaster it on your social media platform of choice.


I don't get kids today. I'm far too impatient for internet videos that are actually of interest to me; I skip ahead and compulsively open new tabs while they play because I just cannot pay attention to them. I'd rather read a transcript most of the time. So I really just do not understand how legions of young people


Azealia gives me Kanye feels. Like I hear you, yas I get you, but also could you maybe sit down for a second and like idk get a rough draft together?

can't stop laughing at "Igloo Australia"

Who Is Jaden? We Are All Jaden. We Are All Born With Limitless Potential Like The Wind Roaring Across The Ocean.

Why Doesn't A Bike Stand Up On Its Own? Babies Are Born Timeless But Are Gradually Warped Into Robots. I Am Going To Make An Album Of The Stars Crying For Their Stolen Futures. My Head Is On Fire.

Okay, I might just be young and naive here, but one of my good friends recently went through this (married at 23, divorced at 25). I found that there is only one appropriate thing to say, which is "I'm here to support you. Let me know whenever you need me." And what followed were a lot of nights around a bottle of