Will there ever be a time again where we focus more on content in a game rather than a few more pixels?
Will there ever be a time again where we focus more on content in a game rather than a few more pixels?
If Final Fantasy XV doesn't do well, perhaps there's not much of a future for console games. It kind of really depends on how that goes.
Is there some sort of agreement between Kotaku and the Artist of these? Almost His entire line has been posted, like some kind of weird advertising, for well drawn but substantially indistinguishable designs?
"So, you want a job at my company. First tell me about yourself - what did you major in college?"
"Playstation T_T"
From what we've seen already, this looks like a surprisingly big DLC, and at 20 bucks for it sounds like a good deal. Plus, KILLING SHIT AS JOHNNY MOTHER FUCKING GAT OR KINKY KINZIE??!!? SIGN ME THE HELL UP! Oh, I made a pun.
I think the most important question for me, just a reader of games journalism, is why no games journalist is actually rebutting Anita Sarkeesian. Seriously, do you all agree with her? Are you all of one mind?
She is biased in her own way, but as you said she does raise some good points and brings up some discussion at the subject. That's always a good thing.
I'm kinda' having a hard time believing that a certain video making the rounds yesterday didn't have an impact on this game's recommendation.
"First Light's writers commit the common video-game misstep of depicting awful violence against women—including implied sex slavery—for no reason other than to add "grittiness" to their story and make some of the bad guys seem real bad."
Yeah — you can turn one off.
Because most people know the difference between a game co-developed by Sony (Bloodbourne) that would otherwise not exist at all (Bayonetta 2 on Wii U is another good example), and a game money-hatted by Microsoft to temporarily not launch on competitor's hardware (Rise of the Tomb Raider) that otherwise would have…
In my case, it's the exploration that keeps me going. I made a point of not fast travelling and spent a lot of time discovering the world on foot and mostly ignoring the main quest. That was the good part. The problem began once I decided to tackle the main quest. I had already been everywhere and seen everything, and…
"Oh no! I feel so bad for enjoying Bioshock games!", said no one. Ever.
Great, now I'm going to be thinking, "Amazon Twitch", which sounds like a jungle infection.
What games do you like? I'm sitting here reading through your previous posts and the only series I think you might like are Fallout and GTA. For everyone else's enjoyment, a sample of his thoughts on various games, movies, and companies:
Shadow Realms: "i want scifi im sick of this fantasy supernatural shit shit"
"Almost None"?!?! What are you talking about?! There are at least 96 games on Steam ALONE that owe their existence to Kickstarter. (And I'm not counting games that are Greenlight either, I mean the actual Steam Store itself) And of those 96, only a handful aren't released yet, but have solid release dates…
The developer is a studio called Pure FPS that I can't even find a webpage for. The press release describes it as "re-imagined".
"OK, so there are some issues with the character design in Dragon's Crown. Jason has written about this, people are divided about it, and many in both camps have very valid reasons for their respective cases."