Lucky bastard.
Lucky bastard.
Looks nice. Sounds like a fun game.
I'm just saying that I've rarely seen anyone talk much about Devil's Third, so that's where I'm drawing my conclusion from. Maybe a few people care about it but it seems like the majority just don't care for it that much.
Let's be honest no one gives a hot shit about Devil's Third.
I wish I could downvote you right now.
Be happy Arch. Persona 5 is coming out next year!
Oh yeah I sent a friend request to you also.
Have you seen her Bayonetta video. It was just poorly researched and a mess. But if you dare to point out any flaws in her videos you get lumped in with the death threat trolls and called sexist because fuck logical debate.
Probably never because it somehow doesn't count.
Yeah it does kind of suck a bit. My brother is kind of pissed about this news considering he's a 3ds xl owner.
They have Xenoblade chronicles X on the Wii U though.
You get a freaking star.
Also why the hell is Fetch being a moron a negative? That's a stylistic choice, not a flaw.
Fetch being a moron actually makes sense if you've played Second Son all the way through. I'm guessing you didn't.
Gun cameras. Just gun cameras all over the damn place.
The 2008 reboot set the bar pretty damn low, so really they've got nowhere to go but up.
Nope. In fact that officially makes you the cool parent.
Is this about the Tomb Raider thing because that was a different situation.
This actually looks pretty interesting. Hope they plan on possibly reviving this after Hellblade.