
But the fine print of the second amendment mentions that if it's a good game from Bioware then the "every dog has it's day" clause cancels the second amendment out.

That android was creepy as hell. Also this game is shaping up pretty well, It's got atmosphere and a good sense of tension.

I just put a bucket on a shopkeeper's head. It was just like Skyrim.

The Gaming Council has a special clause though:"If thou games arth both totally bitchin awesome, thou's life shall be spared." It's right there in the Council's rule book, bro. Check it up.

I agree. Say what you want about DR3 you can't deny that the transitions between areas were seamless.

I didn't enjoy Skyrim much either. I can see why people would like the game because of the variety of choices but honestly the characters were bland and boring, the sidequests weren't that engaging and the combat was just bad.

I remember you saying nothing of value would be shown at E3. Looks like you stand corrected buddy.

Dude Ground Zeroes is great. Played it at a friend's house though because I will not pay for what's essentially a demo.

This looks mediocre and rough around the edges. Still needs some serious work.

That's your opinion but you seem to be in the minority.

Remember it was cross-gen.

It would have gone like this:

I meant far cry 3.

Looks great, definitely has lots of improvements over far cry 4.

You remember that WD was cross-gen meaning it wasn't truly next-gen. This is actually full on next gen.

Wait so Crackdown 3, Sunset Overdrive, The Crew and most of the other games didn't interest you?

I like him, he's like an insane and charismatic Bond villain. He'll stab someone to death one minute and then take a selfie with you in the next.

My brother is getting a Wii U while I'm getting the Ps4 this year and the Xbox One next year X-mas. That way I can play all the exclusives.

Better than the angry, revenge driven white guy who does a bad batman impression you see in most games nowadays.

Just do what I do. Get both a Ps4 and an Xbox One, problem solved.