Crazy Fat Ethel

Uh, it's been on Roku since launch or soon after. I've had the channel for quite a while on my TV.

I'll stick with infinite Simpsons plus the same five annoying ads on the FXNow app, thank you very much.

Blue Jay.

And yes, the area is still home to tons of Mormons. A lot of my friends growing up were LDS.

My HS graduation was there, too!

"Careful, the professor said not to let him get a boner!"

Even the fire doesn't want them.

Day of the Spliffids

I was happy to discover once that Crappie Magazine is apparently a thing.

It's insane, this guy's taint!

He's Harry Nilsson crossed with Poochie.



Also the boy Hollowhead in the insanely weird and pretty awful Meet the Hollowheads. Check it out!

Honestly, I liked this Great Job. It had nothing to do with Trump or kittens or video games, so I actually read it. Just couldn't resist making a joke using quotation marks.

"Great" job, internet.

Transylvania 6-5000!

Don Calfa. Also remember him from Barney Miller, Foul Play, Greaser's Palace, and that bizarre-as-hell Shanks movie in which he played Albert Einstein! That dude had some great baggy eyes.

Get Troy Duffy involved and let the three of them destroy each other in a real drunken brawl. Then we're all winners.