
I don't know if Obama will make a great President. But I know one thing: there is something incredibly honest about that man.

@punkrockgirl: Her partners in crime would be her campaign staff, mostly Mark Penn.

The guy makes great points. I don't get why you called it "succumbing" to "Hillary hate rabies". Are you serious or are you joking?

I think there is a huge stigma with women admitting that they don't have it all under control, they don't have it figured out and they are not comfortable with themselves and their choices. And I think many women are terrified to admit that they regret many of their choices and they are not confident strong women who

@TaraIncognita Doesn't Do Press Conferences with Cheesedick ...: A lot of women who stay home with their children HAVE lost their sense of identity and do make unwarranted sacrifices because they feel uncomfortable asserting their rights as people with brains and hearts and passions. If that was not the case,

@Artful Slinger: Actually I think she should put her own needs over those of the children.

@westvillagegirl: No, she left that job after the kids came along and Spitzer's career took off. She works part-time now at a non-profit helping with fundraising.

Isn't that true of well...many (not of course, all) political wives? And isn't that also true of many wives in general?

Here's a pic of Imogen Fox, the writer of that POS article:

Gary Busey your new hero, Slut Machine? Really? So, grabbing a woman against her will, forcing sexual contact on her, and intimidating her into being terrified are now teh totes awesome? So if/when Gary Busey punches out/rapes a woman next time, will you upgrade him to Like ZOMG Totes Secret Crush ?

This is a really weird request. Why is Jezebel asking women to make themselves feel embarrassed and scrutnized about their appearance? Isn't this what your arch-enemies, skinny blonde chicks, unempowered suburban housewives, clueless Republican teens etc. do?