
I think there's a lot of variance amongst the shoes.

Gawker's article says "the file consists of a 1991 background investigation conducted when Jobs was being considered for an appointment to the President's Export Council in the Bush I White House, and records of a 1985 bomb threat against him"

IT. CAN'T. BE. TRUE!!!!!

Chrome 17? Firefox 10 (or 11, I can't remember)?

I was going to make a joke about how flaccid it is, but its already in beige....

And as an RSX owner, there's no way in hell I'm getting a new Acura anytime soon. The entire lineup is a disappointment. And ugly.

Maybe its the fault of the subject matter, but both photos look like crap to me.

"...who now serves as a Core OS engineer at the company, has explained..."

People always complain when its not Apple.

And lets not forget where Acura stole the tails from.

I agree. The front looks like a Mazda3 on meth, and the tails are a carbon copy of the Aston Martin One-77; not that the One-77 is ugly (it looks great), but for a flagship car of a luxury brand, it shouldn't boldly copy another brand.

That's what'll happen. People will bitch and moan over spending a few cents extra, but have no problem with the much larger initial outlay.

Kind of like how its frustrating when Apple gets every single possible bit of favourable media coverage?

The thing is that reality lays withing the extremes you've mentioned.

I agree; there are FAR more companies than just Apple.

For some, "Working at Foxconn must be better than not working at Foxconn"; but that doesn't mean its great.

Suing McDonalds for coffee being too hot is like suing a knife company for not writing "don't insert into anus" on the blade.

The first computer I learned to use was an Apple and I still use OS X but it feels really weird. Years ago I'd be the one talking to friends about how great Apple is, and now I'm the one fed up of Apple. I think the transition came when Apple went from being Apple Computer Inc to Apple Inc.

I'd argue that the ramen is a whole food seeing as how the person didn't even chew it.

But Siri for the iPhone4s is currently a beta, so Apple obviously isn't sure that it is rock-solid (the first time I can remember where Apple has publicly sold something that was in beta.