
Try holding a Nexus S. Its 4", has the same size profile as your iPhone, and is curved rather than boxy so its, IMO, considerably more comfortable.

How about a Nexus S? Its 4" and it the same size profile as an iPhone and every corner is still easily accessible.

And I'm so glad the iPhone needs iTunes. I JUST LOVE IT AS DOES 100% OF THE CELL PHONE MARKET!

"One final thought: with the iPhone still market-leader, I think it's fair to say that people neither desperately want nor need massive screens on their phones. Size: it doesn't matter, guys."

Awesome, thanks; learn something everyday :)

As much as it pains me to say this, both the Nismo and the Prius above look sweet...

At 3:22, why is there liquid in the Boost gauge?

As far as SUVs go, it doesn't look bad, but it still makes me sad to see the GranTurismo's design language used on this....

I think every country's idea of a dentist is a guy who takes a pick axe to your gums and say you haven't flossed enough, and then asks you long open-ended questions while you have a mouthful of gauze and saliva....

From the photos I get the impression that they're scared to show a shot of the front from level side shot either.

Knowing Acura, it'll have that horrible grill and have as much power as the original NSX.

I clicked on this thinking a Chevy concept had Acura's front grills on them....

If they shoehorn the CTS-V engine & suspension I'll do horrible horrible things to get one.

It can't come as a surprise to anyone. I follow cars more than I follow sports and I still couldn't take more than 5 minutes of the show (removing Salley only made it marginally less annoying).

There's no Apple logo on the back.

How is a 4.3" screen giant? The body of my 4" Nexus is the same size as an iPhone4/4s; does this .3 cause the phone to go from being classified as "normal" to giant?

You don't need to have a fast internet connection.

Is it just me, or are there more posts on fighter jets here than there are on Android or WinMo?

Onion? All I see are cheese curds, sauce (tartar?), and cheese.

@HitNail Siri & 3DTVs aren't "gadgets" and yet they still made the list....