
@hawkeye18: Your Motor Trend links don't work, this is what you want:

@dangertree: 5? I had a 30 second commercial...

IF Gran Turismo 5 arrives, not "when"....

So they were using the iPhone to time it? I was expecting something along the lines of the woman who said she got pregnant through a 3D TV story...

"I have never thought of him as a guy."

@The Sentient Meat: However, only around 1/5 of the cars in the game will have cockpit views (~20o "premium" cars vs ~800 "standard" cars).

You all omitted what seems to be the most important test for phones nowadays:

@jodark: In Canada, its $21,000 for a 300hp Mustang V6, whereas its $25,000 for a 210hp Genesis. I know horsepower isn't everything, but even though I like the Genesis there's no way I'd take it over the Mustang.

@jodark: Its indeed cool that they picked the Atom, but the new Mustang V6 is far better than the old one. Obviously it would get destroyed by an Atom, but ~300hp for that price is awesome.

@H-Falcon: In the next few years before GT5 is released, I'm sure T10 will pump out a fourth iteration.

@-MasterDex-: Also, its going to be a bit hard to quantify how much profit is generated for Sony by the sales consoles spurred by the game.

@Tristan Hipps: Nice, I knew it reminded me of something, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

@speedzonevideo: "Even if GM was able to build a car like that they could never sell it anyway, it would raise to many questions about why they were building 42 variations of the Suburban and one sickly compact."

Its just like how on Thursday I was asked for change from a panhandler who had a nicer phone than me (9700 Bold), with a data plan (she was on BBM), nicer shoes, and a nicer hat...

Why is it that every watch and clock featured here is just designed to make it a real pain in the ass to read the time?

@HideyoshiJP: Yikes, that's almost as ugly as a Crosstour or TL...

I love it, the front still looks pissed and the rear looks oddly refined and almost European.

@Jackstick: lmao I was just about to say the same thing

Can't believe its just a campaign for a Subaru Legacy (and not the cool looking old one).