
@Fossa: Very good point. The problem is, he egged the houses (companies) of people with money, not a teacher's house. I have a feeling they'll hold him for a little bit and then release him and eventually, he'll get his computers back, but not after the stuff with wikileaks has died down some.

@TVs_Frank: I think you mean skeletoner

@Berzerk: Good point; it will only be available for T-mobile (and AT&T, since they use GSM). As for 4G, I guess that would be the time those phones would start appearing.

@MetalGeek: Hopefully, with Samsung developing the Nexus S, which runs gingerbread, we can expect a quicker release of that on our phones (I have the vibrant); but it would still be nice to have froyo by the end of the year (like that'll happen, now)

@Ron-Mexic0: This is a very good point. Time to get ready for ROM flashing...

@Berzerk: Then wait til February, there's bound to be something better by then, too

I assume this isn't using their touchwiz interface? I got my hopes up for a second, thinking the galaxy s phones might get the gingerbread update quickly since they already integrated it on this phone, but apparently not...

@mykpfsu77: This is a good point, but you must remember that the woman only filed surprise charges, not rape charges. By this logic, one would assume that she consented to continue having sex.

@giantnerd: Backup cameras don't catch everything, such as oncoming traffic; they just show you what's directly behind the car, such as a woman pushing a stoller

@boe_d001: There are way too many people who just don't seem to care when they get behind the wheel and assume everyone knows exactly what they're planning on doing and they can do whatever they want. It's kind of sad

I can understand why this would be wanted, and even agree with it; it can be very useful when there's little kids around, right behind your car, that can be easy to overlook or not see entirely. However, I believe it can cause more harm, especially since it doesn't show oncoming traffic, which people might forget

@GLrunner13: Ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification; I didn't read the source

@Chris Lockwood: I believe the difference here is that they have found that the bacteria is an arsenic based life form, not carbon based (as we are). That article is about bacteria that can survive the high levels of arsenic and is what, most likely, led to this discovery; at the time, however, they thought they were

@Edd White: Why did you approve it, then? Should've just let it be...

@Arnheim: RDR is one I forgot to put on the original list, along with GTA. I do enjoy those sandbox games. I believe I will need to check out all those games...

@I'm leaving a: Oh, yeah. Bioshock is another one I'm wanting. I'll need to check out fallout, it looks interesting. Thanks for the list!

@freedomweasel: I'm not too big a fan of racing, but they can be fun and I have a friend who's really into cars so I'll probably pick that up. It does look sweet

@ak-blanc: Ain't that the truth?! More keep popping into my head and pushing others that I want out. I am gonna be broke for a while, I believe...

@madammina: Oooh, Batman. I had forgotten about that. Definitely need to pick that up.

My wife got me a PS3 for Christmas and let me open it last night (she can never keep presents wrapped for very long)! First system besides a Nintendo one I've owned. Anyways, I was wondering what games I should start looking for. I got uncharted 2 and pixel junk shooter with the console, and I want to get heavy rain,