
@Sublethalend: I've been addicted to Frontierville. Like you, I have no idea why, but there were a few days were I would play it constantly. And to think my wife was the one who started playing on my account so she could have more neighbors for new things and to do more stuff on her land

@theose: Don't forget about the wii remotes, xbox and ps3 controllers that are also being released. At least they all look dang sweet

@brahmachari99: That is a good point, however, I do believe that there are ways blockbuster can regain some market share, but it could take a while for them to see it or to do anything about it. If they were to add a streaming component to their mail-order business, it would definitely attract customers, since it

So many lego games out there... And I want more of them!

@GitEmKelvarDave: Looks like for the tweet. Apparently, she has a little bit of an activist in her, according to the linked article, and this must have pushed it over the line...?

@DanBroChill: You're a little late then. Facebook probably knows more than google would ever want to

@Craniumz: This is actually an opt-in service; you get to decide if you want an email address from them or not. You'll still have messages, tho

I find it interesting that so many people don't attempt to go over the barricades; they prefer to wait for the path to clear of on-coming traffic and then go. There's even a few who look like they're thinking about going over and then decide to follow everyone else. Does this affirm the saying that we're sheep?

@mipakr: Yeah, stock and rooted. It actually has run pretty smoothly, from what I've seen so far

@d67: Dang, that's intense! I could probably barely take a step in one of those suits, much less go a mile or 26 miles

@Firebert: I could see that, more specifically a regulator or something along those lines

@mipakr: What makes you say that? I haven't noticed any major lag with it on my vibrant

There is a point where there is too much paranoia. I think we passed that a year or two back and it's still blowing up in our faces...

@dtptampa: Maybe a cat is needed to catch the mouse

@theose: I rather like the sound of that... Needs to be cleaned up a bit though.

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: That makes sense, but I would hate to be an astronaut (as cool as it would be); I would just keep thinking "did they find all the cracks? Is there a new one forming right now?"

Anyone know how many times launches have been delayed due to cracks? It seems, to me at least, to be the most common cause for delays. You'd think they'd fix it by now...

@agent31: Thanks for that; pretty interesting stuff

@Dalton63841: If a user is running xp and has the messaging feature turned on (turned off by default in SP2 and later), then that would be possible. Most everyone, though, would have this turned off