
@VeeDub: According to a Tech republic writeup (posted by another user in reply to a comment earlier than yours), Firesheep only works on open and WEP encrypted networks, not WPA/2. It can get any session id that is not passed over a secure conenction (such as https, vpn, ssh tunnel, etc.)

@agent31: Do you happen to know why it doesn't work on WPA encrypted wireless points? I thought if you were able to connect to an AP, you would be able to view all the data (and therefore, the session id) of anyone else connected...

@tomsomething: Looking at the plugin description page, firesheep attempts to connect to the domain identified with the session id it finds, in order to get a name and picture of the user. This plugin simply monitors the airwaves to see if there is someone attempting to use the session id it generates (randomly, I

@gr8wayn: This has nothing to do with the browser. If sites like facebook used secure connections, this wouldn't be possible. By default, facebook doesn't use a secure (https) connection at all, even when logging in. And, if you do force https on the homepage to log in, once you login it's right back to unsecure

@BeefSupreme: You can set all comments to be visible by default in your profile. Also, it should work for any version of utorrent that has the webui enabled, I believe

@John A Sahl: Wow, I was wondering how this was done. Cool tip and congrats on the star!

I bet it would be really interesting to see these in person. Looking at them online, I just keep thinking "Giz needs to re-up those pictures." I know I'd keep trying to look behind the frame for the computer in order to change the photo or something.

Wow, that is an impressive hobby. And the way the ships turn out, they have amazing detail. It would be awesome to watch a video of him making one, especially time-lapsed.

Wouldn't it make more sense to implement the 2 per-person rule again, if they're having this much trouble?

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: Your analogy would be a little better if you looked at all versions of windows (3.1, 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7) instead of just one, but you do bring up a good point. It does cause the devs to have to put a little more effort into testing their apps, but it's not that much more

@Neumahn: No, it's not Giz (hint: look at the author)

@rurena: What makes you say an android user wil "return" to the iphone? I never had an iphone, now have an android and will never go to the iphone; if I were to try to switch, I would find the iphone too restricting. Granted, not everyone feels the same as me, but there are quite a few people who get fed up with the

@mchtchariand: It seems it gets confused. There's one time towards the end it follows someone as the keep walking and then has to come back to someone who's been standing still the whole time

That made me lol. I'm gonna buy this shirt when they make it

@moonshadowkati: It wouldn't make you go any more deaf than having earbuds in your ear. My hearing aids, unfortunately, don't let me control the volume and might cause me to become more deaf than I already am, since my mp3 player is pretty loud through bluetooth.

My hearing aids already have bluetooth capability (as do my wife's) and I've had mine for a year and a half. It is pretty cool though. Although, my connection device doesn't let me control the volume, which would be nice.