
Drinking coffee helps you live longer because when I drink it my desire to destroy the world for making me get out of bed slightly lessens.

So not in Texas? Seriously you have to get to Planned Parenthood, right? And I also wonder if this is part of the rise - lack of access to Planned Parenthood. If you don’t have money to buy condoms...

Wow, it’s almost like abstinence education isn’t helping. Weird.

I have been very frustrated by the evolution of the language around these topics on the past couple years... and it’s weird, because I’m a very “gender nonconforming” person and I’ve been completely accepting of the fact that there are people who are GLBTQFPWTF for basically my whole life. But the way I feel about the

“Look, making them illegal doesn’t mean people who want them won’t just get them illegally.” -guns or abortions?

Jerking off to the thought of denying refugee children entry to America.

Thanks for covering this, Rachel.

You are so right about kids sensing unfairness. If they were pigs, unfairness is their truffle. They root that shit out once it’s explained to them. Maybe there is hope.

So ... just give up on teaching men to value emotional labor, then? Hahahahaha, fuck that, no.

I just say I don’t know. Try it. Where are the batteries? I don’t know. Do we have any mustard? I don’t know. Are we out of coffee? I don’t know. In the instant that I’m asked, I honestly don’t know. I have to stop and think about it for a few seconds, and, guess what, if I don’t, then *he* has to stop and think or

But part of the problem is that asking is part of the emotional work. Recognizing that it needs to be done, planning it, delegating tasks, all of that goes unseen.

If you want to work things out that way, you should be able to choose to. But what needs to stop happening is men assuming that women will pull the bulk of this weight simply because they don’t feel like learning how, and devaluing the time, effort and energy that goes into it. Men constantly assume that women will

I’m so glad you said this. My eyebrows literally jumped a metre high. No, America. It’s actually not about you, for two seconds.

I read each Trump post explicitly to see what how you will describe him.

It actually is funny. And the deaths are tragic. And the loss of property is unfortunate. Many people are able to have more than one emotion at the same time. Laughing at the hot pocket thing isn’t the same as laughing at the people who lost their lives, nor does it detract from their loss.

I just really like his responses on abortion and gay marriage. Regardless of his feelings, he realizes they are law and doesn’t care to address them because why would you waste time fighting something you can’t win. Let’s move on to ideas/battles that are viable. I am not sure if he is anti-gay or anti-abortion

Imagine if all the states (Looking at you, my homeland, ...fucking Texas) used all the funding that goes into trying to tear down Planned bettering our crumbling VA hospitals and provide housing for homeless vets or vets in need.

yeah - we could get two establishment types - Clinton/Rubio and then they can have months of saying different things before they take office and do pretty much the exact same things.

Apparently bootstrapping involves stealing wifi from local businesses. What else can we steal to #makeamericagreatagain?