
Can i come to yours next Christmas please!

There’s a definite drug abuse theme here though...

Also if they marketed to people with bigger boobs they would have to make their bras better as would be doing more work. They know their product won’t stand up to that so aren’t trying

I thought he withdrew that after doing more research following outcry. Said he was just trying to publish a balanced opinion or something.

Apparently it’s so baby can follow it’s way from vag to boob after birth but that may be a myth...

If you have diastasis recti then any standard stomach exercise could make it worse. It’s when the muscles on your belly have split in two and crunches will pull them apart further.

I was surprised by how much I bled after and how long for -heavy bleeding for 1-2 weeks. Stock up on maternity pads!

Do you not have NCT in USA? It’s pretty much the benchmark ante natal class  here in uk and it’s fairly balanced and has lots of useful information 

Is it just the sheer amount of foundation? Looks like she’s covering up so much 

This has a different tone after the article about his maybe 18 yo girlfriend who he met at 16

Working out for him is probably like most people being at work. I spend about 5x as much time at work than with my family on a weekday.  Mine is in an office so seen as more necessary but working out is likely to be necessary for his career

Check out certain dri anti perspirant. Effective on my super sweaty pits and cruelty free

It took me a second to understand the insurance aspect (Brit here). The idea of having a specific job just to get healthcare is alien to me!

It’s easier to blame the other woman if you want to keep your relationship. Acknowledging your partner is to blame is harder as have more to lose

Yeah it’s relevant that they’re not native - I don’t think there are any native mammals to New Zealand so bird population is really diverse and unique and super vulnerable to predators. I’m pro banning them to be honest but not a cat person.

How can anyone get bail after committing the same crime whilst on bail?

Most effective thing I did was join fat club (slimming world). Wasn’t always healthiest- some of their food replacements were quite artificial rather than overall nutrition focused but it is effective.

Pregnancy hormones are strong so you really need to take time and think it through carefully and assess what is feelings driven and what is logic driven -both are perfectly valid but somethimes identifying this can make it easier to recognise what you want.

My colleague and his wife grew up in India but are UK based now and he recently decided to send his son to boarding school because he felt they couldn’t help the kid with homework not having been through UK school system. Things like history etc are taught differently/ different events.

Yeah if husband came to me and said I want to do X and all the neighbours think it’s fine so it’s acceptable I’d be pissed. He should just listen to her, not push her and respect what she says.