
DJ Jazzy Jorge feat. DJ Kat Attack

@Oscar Explosion: oh right... hmmm sounds interesting, and ripe for abuse by friend groups, i'll have to keep my ears and eyes open.

gold family is the console based subscription right? So all users can access the service.

@RockyRan: are you seriously telling me that you don't have anything better to do?

@RockyRan: are you seriously telling me this game had no hype around it?

@Cybrwzrd: ... except i don't adhere to any of those stereotypes, i just don't understand the draw to the game.

people actually like this game? From what i've played it fucking sucks, just a load of hyped bullshit... this comment will get hated on.

Koopas win...

i remember visiting all the beaches associated with d-day around an on june 6th of the 60th anniversary. I talked to alot of veterans who fought, each had fascinating stories to tell. Experiences like that are infinitely more rewarding than any book or film.

@Mike Fahey: you might wanna get some duct tape to fix that hole, it could let water in, god knows what damage that could do to the quality of sound.

@viciousarcanum: also, you're a dimwitted idiot who couldn't even see the point of the original post...

@psykofaze: yeah you just gotta let katey die... then stand on the roof for 72 hours until you unlock it.

wait... uh... isn't that Kat's helmet?

@viciousarcanum: you forgot to mention sega megadrive fanboys...

i'm buying the xbox version, but i still think it's ridiculous that multi-platform titles can still hold back dlc...