
@Eltigro: i'll see your Refried beans and raise you one no-fuss fajita dinner kit...

@RenRen: old el paso? i drove past there, it looked like a slum. Then again it was from the interstate.

where are the inexplicable pods?

@Lintor: yeah i did that, downloading.

@Sancho45: thanks for being a moronic fuckwit. lots of love...xx

@zombie_batch: really? ive been able to download titles before for free, i re-downloaded alien hominid last week, i got that the day it came out on arcade....

@Sancho45: jesus christ, it's Raiders of the Lost Ark...

god damn the new xbox, i cant download because it was purchased on another system

@Sancho45: are you retarded? you seriously don't know what movie that is from.... wtf.

i wish they would just hurry up and make those powerlaces already, also, where is the barcode plate?

@blackscot: that's my close friend, Alan, or by his LARPing name, Lord Mjlonir, Dwarf King of the Peaks of Angmar, and Master of Unlocking.

@blackscot: uh.... that's me... im the one saying sleep, you insensitive asshole.

the typical sony fanboy reaction...

@Aibyouka-kun: it's not like it's even a good picture or a well known meme, it's just an annoying furry-esque face with stolen meme-sayings...

@☭ hazel ☭: game over: you lost too many miners, access the help screen if you are stuck

not exactly sexy but...

@pidgeo5: you asshole, be sensitive, she just had a miscarriage...