
@Thut: you get horde mode, which extended waw for around a year for me, also new challenges and stranger missions, if the story itself lasts 5 hours im going to be a lucky man.

i just wish this would hurry up and come out, around the 20th of october is going to be a heavily saturated week for video games in my house, what with fable, fallout and now this

@grimjack28: that's a pretty cool idea, but wouldn't you have to download all the maps everyweek... if it was automatic you would find your hard drive full in a matter of weeks. It just doesn't seem feasible unless they implement a map populating system.

meh.... the only thing that would interest me would be more forge world options, or even varying forge world style maps.

@Eternal: someone needs to edit this with the mario sounds...

i learnt that if you feel a bit under the weather, just swallow a tonne of pills straight from the bottle, which also increases your life by a few seconds. I also learnt that the only thing you need to survive the zombie apocalypse is a megabuster and some food magazines.

i'd press her conference.. if you know what i mean...... im not sure i do....

@Disabled_Vette: no, she died from several lacerations to the neck after you slammed her head into the glass while shouting ''YEAH!'' and pointing into the air after ejaculating.

@BeefSupreme: this image never fails to provide laughs.

im more intrigued about the zombie bear... will he have a plot involving his love of picnicer's brains, or maybe his adventures with a young zomboy, a zombie owl, zombie kangaroo and offspring, zombie piglet and zombie tiger with rigor mortis tail.

so i could have a statue of goatse if i was willing to put myself through unbearable pain?

@surft: when did ash fight that many zombies at once?

Now playing

here is the full video, excuse the crap quality though.

nah you're alright...

those are beaten to shit... i still wish they would bring out power laces.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: i agree with you, CPT John H Miller should have had a sequel in which he survived and dropped into an unnamed german occupied french village to save Private Hank Hill, only to discover that the town was overrun with Nazi Zombies.

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