
no surprise here in the results

roads? where were going were going to need roads... lots of roads.

this was me as a kid, except for the ginger, with dinosaurs and space... i was a sponge when it came to anything space or dinosaur related and wanted nothing more than to be a paleontologist or an astronaut.

i saw eric wareheim and clicked the link....

@Sleepepro: zombies clutching those love pillows with manga people on, they sneak up behind and BAM, semen stained pillow in the face.

thats funny, i though it said, ''i... bukkaked a zombie today. i hate myself and i am about to commit seppuku.''

as long as i can fill up my living room with water and it floats, im in... just need to water proof my tv.

@Walking Eye!: It was considered somewhat as a faux pas in certain situations...

@BeerManMike: he also killed his wife and daughter, and subsequently had their ashes bound to his flesh.....

i'd say the soldier looks more sam fisher than rambo...


the hustler has become the hustled....

Mr Plinkett does not approve

Let's go shopping, Mr Simpson!

@Faren22: fisting for.... oh wait

@Salari: one on the left.... not the one on the right

Is it just me or is there a striking resemblance... coincidence? i think not

@Michael Dukakis: i couldn't keep my de-composition while reading that comment.