crazy among the insane

Yeah, I know, and lets not forget that fool Bill Simmons.

Shep’s our mole, our beautiful ray of light in the vast darkness that is FoxNews.

What, pray tell, am I a hypocritical about?

We are on a collision course, my friend. There have been some evil motherfuckers running America SINCE ITS INCEPTION. Only now, in this burgeoning Age of Information have we been able to get a grasp on their reality.

I’ve read every word you’ve said.

It’s not just the Christians, too. It’s in the evil ISIS fucks, Netanyahu’s corrupt oppressors and the callous corrupt Hindi fools.

Is taking a priest out in cuffs some of that anti-religiosity Kellyann Conway was blathering about?!

this was the exact moment where God ticked the ‘Hell’ box for Jeff Sessions.

The institutions of religion are the best refuges for the manipulative liars and power mongers of this world, whose only goal is the attainment of power and pleasures on this Earth.

We must have faith in humanity’s potential and that is only gained by nurturing our own faith by actively seeking our Creator’s help in helping us purify our own selves of our own vices.

They may be misguided

JFC this Ku Klux Keebler is working my nerves.

Their churches are the Business Schools and their thugs are the Law Schools.

I don’t care what else you have to say.

No. We should enact and enforce laws that adhere to the constitution.

Much too restrained for a fiery imp like Sessions.

They are unrepentant liars who crave only power while taking perverse pleasure from the suffering of those they oppress.

But I’m just crazy like that I guess.


They may try but hes not fucking around this time.