crazy among the insane

Ok. Ignoring it isnt making it better though, but we all do it to some degree.

That was very funny and clever, you must be a fun guy.

Alternate Headline:

Thanks, Doc, you’re doing the Lord’s work here in EPIC FASHION.

Well giving $10 to the GOP is evil, how much more so $100K?

Someone needs to inform the orange dipshit that we at least we know those “rogue killers” were in the Turkish Saudi consulate at the time of the murder.

What?! A white man who makes $millions from his mostly minority unpaid workers does shady shit?

Those full of fear are not really on The Way.
— Rumi

What!? You guys have a newsletter? Why didn’t anyone tell me?

So the white guy making $millions off of unpaid mostly minority labor is ok with the system?

If you don’t support all of Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians, then I’d say “That’s excellent” even though most Islamic attitudes toward Jews in general are horrific and demand strong policies to protect themselves (Christians, too, for that matter need to protect themselves from hateful Muslims which have

True, but there is truth to the lyric “but there’s still time to change the road you’re on”.

without the culture of beer, europeans would have died out to diseases in the water

This thread went downhill fast.

You just likened a Jew to a Nazi.

I do NOT want to know what instrument they are playing inside that thing.

Never underestimate the B-schools’ role in the evil America has become.

Djokovic is not the all-time leader in anything, my friend, but he is my wife’s most disliked player -- and shes no hater and has a really good feel for human beings.

I’m not trying to convert anyone because you are commanded to love God with all your being and your neighbor as yourself just as I am, and you can achieve that within Judaism just as any person can within any form of religion. If they practice their religion with their own heart, humbly and with great love for all

Where in my post did I ask for a lesson on pharmaceuticals?