crazy among the insane

Dont you TJ Marshall Rosss shame me, Mister!

We cant wait either.

Amazingly, that polo shirt is the worst part of that clip.

If only this kind of money was being given out to people trying to solve global warming, instead of contributing to it by continuing the insanity begun in the 20th Century.

Now playing

It goes well with the music, too, which is mighty fine.

Looks like a lazy-ass Floss to me.

Don’t “shikse” include black, brown and asian women?

I thought it protected them from HPV, not cancer.

Ya gotta respect that.

Some sites and people evolve. Some people watch FoxNews.

To think we couldn’t’ve even imagined such a thing as a reality teevee star and that he would be so disasterously worse for us than a shitty Hollywood idiot who could feign sincerity so well.

Wow. Those are truly fantastic. Thanks.

These stories should only serve to inform us that we need strong communities and families to protect our children from predators.

It’s called sexual imprinting and it’s no different than someone who has been physically abused becoming an abuser. Not all follow that path but plenty do.

Ill accept it ;-)

It would certainly be justified.

Disinhibition is a medically established effect of drunkenness.

You are absolutely correct but we’ve been underestimating how callous Americans are to the plight of others.

end it with “If we do not do this, then we are fucking morons.”

I mean, he was just going to self-deal it anyway.