crazedclay: SBC murderer

seems very likely. I didn't pay much attention to the guy talking. Especially not buzzwords. A filter I need to turn off now and then

Ah. Gotcha. Woe be it if so. Sorry for the confusion. I'm already checked out.

I really don't know what he's on about

I'm going to say that's not applicable here. But go on. ExplainsExplains

I don't own an MX-5 (ok, Fine, Miata you damn purist commenters)

Oh some idiot will try and street it and cut it in half most certainly.

Do NOT want this dude and his ilk selling me a Tesla. Would sink Tesla as a business.

Let me tell you about my Oil Sands. Oh man. Strippers n hookers n young men with cash.

edit: I know you were half joking but it got me thinking.

yes I could pls.

Ferrari has confirmed plans to build.

No it's not. Because each of the owners would be paying in and the last survivor would cash in. As it stands, nobody here owns one of the above limited runners. So it's not really a tontine. If they did it, perhaps.

Noo, not one of those. Just a plain old betting pool. Like a hockey pool for flaming sports cars.

That's exactly what I was thinking. The first part. There's no reason overall that the GigaFactory couldn't become a GigaComplex. And I suppose, outside of that, for the states that have gone franchise silly, a Nevada delivery makes utterly perfect sense.

Yep. Four will rot. One will crash. One will burn.

I'm happy it was. Any means to avoid the trap of sleaze and highest bidder franchise antics. Tesla needs to avoid that taint.

Kennel them


Clarify that manufacturers that exclusively produce electric passenger vehicles and have not engaged in a franchise with a dealer in the State may engage in retail sales of those vehicles.

How about we do and you can pretend we didn't.