crazedclay: SBC murderer

have you gone online to take a look for information from a user forum that specializes in your car? I'm sure someone out there has had a similar problem and fix at some point!

I can't see that happening. Considering that your speedo cable is driven by something with way greater speed and torque than a cordless drill...

disconnect speedo cable. Attach drill. Set for the direction that spools up the speedo. Zip tie trigger. Sit back until mileage achieved

Depends on whether or not you imbibe. It's a choice, but hardly a globally condemned one. Enjoy that anti-smoking agitprop flavour. preferably elsewhere.

I don't believe there was ever a Shelby variant of the spirit. Probably, I think, because by that point Shelby's relationship with Chrysler had dissolved. Plus, Shelby was all about light and fun, as per his GLH and GLHS progression.

It would be unfortunate to be that disconnected or in a job that didn't have enough meat to require it.

Nailed it, yep.

glad to bring the noise!

that's a fair point, actually. Better as a separate lower fixture. Plus they used high output bulbs that made it look like lateral headlights of normal intensity and throw

pity I am not a US resident. Have the most delightful treatment. All I need is a good narrator and the right b-roll.

Have always noticed and appreciated those. And in fact, on at least one occasion a turning vehicle's cornering light probably saved my bacon as well as theirs. I think conceptually they do the job so well because you don't see them all that often. It's a rarity that immediately gathers the focus of the other

the people who owned them sure seemed to feel that way. Turbododge natural prey.

the stars are not coming out easy today on mobile :/

Dead reliable. You have to consider the DNA at play. It's all tried and true 2.2 that made the K-car one of the best sellers of the era but on boost. Parts are all cheap but nothing ever breaks. The worst you could run into is some rust up in the floorpan firewall area. And if I'm honest the occasional

Needs brown outside. Now it's down to 11/10 wants instead of 12/10.

it could have been any brand, but it happened to be a bmw. Nonetheless, I say this is the exception to the do no harm rule. You sir, have won.

it was a long time ago. Like... 2005-ish? Young kid bought a pair and got bored. Mine had about 50000 of your miles on it. You wanna talk about regret! I ended up selling it to a pal who destroyed it. I will dig up the cardomain for it some time and do a feature!

Motion seconded.

I'm a turbo dodge guy. Have been for a decade. Owned a ton of em all throughout the range. Built monsters and unleashed them on unsuspecting 5.slows. I support anyone who can make one that clean and good looking. But I never paid more than 3k for any of mine. That's the turbododge market ceiling. Not even for

mind: blown. I brought flame suits if you need one. Such truths are hard to come by. I'm expect them to be eviscerated extra hard