crazedclay: SBC murderer

Congratulations on being an engineer which has nothing to do with automotive, production, or retail automotive sales! I'm sure that your association with a forestry company gives you massive insight into the data and operational layout of General motors, a company burdened by a completely different operational

Yep Yep And doubly Triple yep. Thank you.

Actually, I would wager it's much more difficult and unforseen to cull 13 vins out of a vast pool of recalls generated across multiple domains and data silos. You don't Make.It.Happen. unless you can actually Make.It.Happen.

I don't know. Do dealers mail out recall notices?

I doubt very much that it is that easy. But you can believe what you would prefer ;)

No, I sound like a realist.

And never truer words were spoken. I don't even work in product development or engineering and *I* get what happened was really a non-story. But kevorkian death car snide recall mailout just seems to be a lot more headliney.

Honestly? It's probably damn difficult to uniformly flag 13 vins across the myriads and myriads of systems that operate each individual department. You're kind of treating this like old Sal down in the mail room pulled down the recall folder and hand wrote some recalls maliciously. That isn't how it is.

Finally Ford North America acknowledges the goddamn 1.0 exists. Trying to get one in a Fiesta here in Canada is like pulling teeth.

I think that was probably the case, more than any altruism.

I think, Hardigree, the G8 was a solid prediction.

gin and tonic. Can't go wrong.

Then I shall call you Brian henceforth.

I just read this in my own internal voice. Which means it has significant relevance. Hellcat=would do

Fired into the sun, possibly? Or just a good old sanctioned pre-reveal reveal. What was the timeline for an actual reveal?

I agree. Mitsu owes you a call.

in these parts a 3 cyl fiesta will set you back 20k before taxes and delivery and all the crap that goes with an off-the-lot car. I want one, but until Ford decides to democratize the little three cylinder I'm looking to the mirage.

Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Good times.

I can see the headlines now. Rash of tent related command start suicides.